12 Days of CleverMade

December 01, 2021 2 min read

Our favorite time of year - 12 Days of Gifting!

🎶 It’s the 12 days of CleverMade and my true love gave to me, three Collapsible LUXE Totes, a pair of Tamarack Chairs and one 30 Can Cooollleeerrr! 🎶 

Collapsible LUXE Tote Gift Basket for Holidays

We’re kicking off our 12 Days of Clevermade today and we couldn’t be more excited to share the goodies you know we all want under our trees! We have teamed up with some of our Clever Collaborators and for the next 12 days, they'll be sharing some of our very best sellers and giving you a closer look at how they use them in the wild! And be sure to keep an eye out because they'll be giving away some treats for you too! 

Holiday shopping is already difficult as it is, and then there’s always that one person that you can never think of the perfect gift for. But we’ve got you covered! There isn’t a person on the planet who doesn’t like to find ways to make their lives a little easier, which is great for us because that’s what we’re all about!


CleverMade storage bin with lid and collapsible LUXE tote holiday gift ideas

In case you missed [ the only ] Clever gift guide you need...from coolers to chairs, we truly do have something for everyone on your list! For the mom on the go to the adventure seeker and back to the home decor maven - our collaborators this week stretch across a broad range of niches and they’re showcasing the many ways CleverMade ‘makes things better!’ 

So follow along Friends - turn on some holiday jams, pour the eggnog, and take a seat in your Tamarack Chair! Be sure to check in every day because we have some really fun things planned for the days ahead that you won’t want to miss.
And remember, December 15th is the last day to order for ground shipping to receive the most Clever gifts you will find under the tree!

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